May 5, 2024 Sixth Sunday of Easter

Welcome Father Eckhard Today’s Readings: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 | 1 Jn 4:7-10 | Jn 15:9-17

###Gone forever?

Imagine the emotional turmoil inside the disciples.

First he was here. Then he was gone. Then he was here again. And then he was gone for good. […] When they had gotten used to his new presence, guess what. The Ascension took place. This presents the obvious question. Does the story really end with Jesus “gone, gone, gone,” ascended to heaven? The point of God’s taking flesh had been to show how completely present he is to us always, living in our material world. So has he now absented himself forever? Are we back to where we started?

You and I must look for the answer because it contains the entire Christian reality. Let us use the readings for this Sunday.

The First Reading does seem a continuation of Jesus’ frequent talks about sending the Holy Spirit to us (Paraclete, Teacher, Comforter), after he has ascended to the Father. All who believe and who open their hearts will receive the Spirit, Jesus says.

Stay with this line of reasoning.

What is the Spirit? Is it simply a dose of “grace” that we earn or receive in order to be holy? Or is it God wanting to give us a break? Or a “help”? Or some kind of power coming from God?

Listen well: the Holy Spirit is all of these and none of these. The Holy Spirit is:


Not a representative of God, not just a descending dove, not even merely a point of fire over our heads. The Spirit is the complete, true reality of God. And it is marked forever by Jesus’ entire life, death and resurrection.

Stop with that, if you would like.

To continue when you are ready, this Spirit quietly makes us able to say “yes” to faith. Not by brutalizing us or overriding us, but by what we can call “respectful love.” The Second Reading and the Gospel are all about it. I define respectful love as that presence which never over-powers us but always respects and guides our choice(s). Rather than a dictator, the Spirit wants to be a companion in our lives, esteeming our being, not contradicting it, bringing out what is most truly our own self.

Jesus is with us in the presence of the Holy Spirit within us.

He hopes we will accept his offer of this Spirit. If we do, our souls mingle with God’s own reality and we become new flesh for the incarnate God.

This flesh is called the mystical body of Christ on earth.

Your reply? “Well great, but why am I so weak in belief, so far from Christ, so prone to sin? This Holy Spirit must be pretty anemic.”

No, and here, again, is the reason.

The Spirit always waits, waits, waits for us to open to Jesus’ life. Christ is not gone, he is inside us, knocking at our inner door. We can say no. But we can also say yes with our lives …

… through respectful love.

It is our Easter gift.

Source of reflection [shortened]: © 2024, John B. Foley, SJ, Source of image:, via


  • 5 May - Our monthly social gathering comes off after Mass. If possible, consider bringing a dish or snacks to share, or come earlier (from 12:30) to help the team with setting it up.
  • 12 May - This month’s children’s church, usually combined with our “Social Sunday”, will have to take place one week later.