March 5, 2023 Second Sunday of Lent

Welcome Father Eckhard Today’s Readings: Gn 12:1-4a | 2 Tm 1:8b-10 | Mt 17:1-9

In this gospel we see two great signs of the Transfiguration that “predict” Easter. The first and fundamental, is that of the divine voice: “This is my beloved Son.” In the gospel this voice resounds with the same words in three scenes well arranged to constitute almost a narrative thread within the earthly existence of Christ. First was at the beginning (Mt 3:17), that of the baptism of Christ, when a voice from heaven proclaims the same declaration about Christ immersed in the waters of Jordan. The second was at the center of Christ’s earthly journey, at transfiguration when a voice reaffirms the mystery that is hidden in the man Jesus, resident in Nazareth and an itinerant preacher on the streets of Palestine. Lastly, at the end of the Gospel, when Christ will be raised on the cross before the world, it will then be a Roman centurion who will proclaim the true secret of Jesus first proclaimed from heaven: “Truly this Man-Jesus was the Son of God!” (Mt 27, 54). This profession of faith by the centurion contains the Creed God reveals to us which the Church professes in truth. At the center of our faith, of our liturgy, of our spirituality, the face of Christ must shine in all and above all: it leads us away from the dark abyss of all superstitions and unbelief. The second sign is that of light that envelops the whole picture of the transfiguration, the figure of Jesus and the disciples themselves. In Greek, the word “transfiguration” is expressed with the term “metamorphosis”, indicating an inward transformation that shows the mystery of the reality of Christ, which reveals our destiny as “children of light”. Transfiguration, then, is for us a sign of the action of grace which transforms (transfigures) our human fragility and weakness.

The voice of the Father leads us to the Son, His light transforms us into him. This voice of the Father is expressed in the Sacred Scripture, in the Bible, His light envelops us through faith and the sacraments; The voice of the Father shows us the way of life, His light inaugurates for us a new dawn of salvation. The Second Letter of Peter where the story of the Transfiguration is preserved for us ends up intertwining the voice and the light in a single sign, “We heard that voice descend from heaven while we were with Christ on the holy mountain. You do well to pay attention to that voice as to a lamp that shines in a dark place until day breaks, and the morning star rises in your hearts” (1:18-19).

Source: Fr. Jude Nnadi, Image: The Saviour’s Transfiguration, icon. Ab. 1403, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. Author unknown (until recently it was believed that the icon was painted by Theophanes the Greek).


  • 5 March - We have our monthly Social Gathering this Sunday. We invite you to spend some time after Mass to interact with other church members.